寵物CEO Plan 75折優惠及送寵物體檢一次
- 本推廣的有效日期為收到優惠電郵日期起計2日內 (「推廣期」)。
- 由 OneDegree Hong Kong Limited (「OneDegree」)承保的寵物保險寵物CEO Plan所推出的75折優惠 (「優惠」)及由Pet Space Group Limited(「Pet Space」)提供的寵物免費身體檢查一次 (「禮品」) ,投保人必須於透過優惠電郵內的指定網頁並點擊上方的指定按鈕完成投保方可獲優惠。若因未有透過上方按鈕投保致未能享用優惠, 將不獲任何退款安排。
- 此推廣優惠只適用於現時並未持有有效的OneDegree寵物保險保單的全新客戶,以及現時投保日起計之過去3個月未曾持有有效的 OneDegree寵物保險保單的申請人。
- 投保人的個人資料有可能會與特定第三方合作夥伴分享,僅限於進行身份驗證以完成禮品兌換。
- 合資格人士將於投保日4個月內通過投保過程中提交的電郵地址收取禮品換領信(「換領信」),如因投保人所提供的資料錯誤或不完整導致無法成功收取換領信,OneDegree恕不負責。禮品的實際領取日期可能會因禮品供貨安排而作出調整。如果禮品之供應有所變動,OneDegree將以同等價值的同類貨品代替。
- 投保人須於收到換領信電郵通知三個月內(「指定換領日期」)憑換領信到指定換領地點方可獲禮品兌換券(「禮品兌換券」) 。換領信不得轉讓,若因未有遵從指示而導致未能換領禮品兌換券,將不獲任何退款安排。
- 合資格獲獎人士可持禮品兌換券到 Pet Space集團旗下指定診所 (包括銅鑼灣動物醫院、香港獸醫中心 – 寵生堂、西貢獸醫醫院、西沙路動物醫院、東涌動物診所)換取免費身體檢查一次(價值港幣390元)。禮品兌換券到期日為2024年12月31日。詳情請參閱兌換券。
- 禮品由Pet Space 提供,OneDegree不對禮品及其質量作出任何聲明或保證。若對禮品有任何查詢,請直接聯絡 Pet Space。
- 此優惠將自動套用於適用的產品計劃及繳費模式中,並於網站即時顯示優惠。
- 在報價過程中,折扣後的保費會被四捨五入到整數以方便顯示,最終的應繳交保費將以結帳頁面上所示為準。
- 此優惠只適用於首年保單。
- 此優惠不能和其他優惠同時使用。
- 有關寵物CEO Plan的保障範圍、條款細則及不保事項,請查閱保單條款以了解更多。
- OneDegree保留隨時更改或終止此優惠之權利,並對此優惠相關之所有事宜擁有最終決定權。
- 條款及細則中英文版之內容如有任何歧義,在任何情況下概以英文版為準。
Terms and Conditions:
- This promotion is valid for 2 days, including the date of the promotional email. (“Promotion Period”).
- To enjoy the 25% discount on Pawfect Care (“Offer”), underwritten by OneDegree Hong Kong Limited (“OneDegree”), and one free physical examination for pet (“Reward”) provided by Pet Space Group Limited (“Pet Space”), customers shall use the designated website listed in the promotion email and complete policy purchase using the designated button above within the Promotion Period. Any failure in doing so will result in loss if discount and no refunds shall be arranged afterwards.
- Only the applicants who do not currently hold any effective Pet Insurance and have not held any effective Pet Insurance policy(ies) in the past 3 months from the date of application of the Pet Insurance are eligible for this promotion.
- Customer personal information may be shared with specific third-party partners solely for the purpose of identity verification to facilitate gift redemption.
- Eligible Customers will receive an email about the redemption letter for the Reward (“Redemption Letter”) 4 months within the policy issue date via the email address provided during policy purchase. OneDegree is not responsible for any delivery failure due to errors or missing information in the address provided.
- Customer must redeem their Reward Voucher (“Reward Voucher”) within 3 months after the date of email (“Redemption Period”) at the designated redemption location by presenting the redemption letter. Any failure in doing so will result in loss of Reward and no refund shall be arranged afterwards.
- To redeem the Reward, Eligible Reward Recipients may visit selected Pet Space’s clinics (Causeway Bay Animal Hospital, Hong Kong Veterinary Centre – Chong Sheng Tang, Pet Space Sai Kung Veterinary Hospital, Sai Sha Road Animal Hospital and Tung Chung Animal Clinic) with the physical Reward voucher to redeem one pet physical examination (valued at HKD 390). The Reward voucher will expire after 31 December 2024. For any queries about the Reward, please contact Pet Space directly.
- The Reward is provided by Pet Space. OneDegree does not guarantee the quality of the Reward. For any queries about the Reward, please contact Pet Space directly.
- OneDegree’s system will automatically apply the Offer to applicable plans and payment mode, and display it on the website.
- The discounted premium will be rounded to the nearest whole number during quotation for display purposes. The actual premium payable will be shown at checkout and shall be the final amount.
- The Offer is only applicable to premiums for the first year of a policy.
- The Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer.
- For details of coverage, terms, conditions, and exclusions of Pawfect Care, please refer to the policy wordings.
- OneDegree may terminate this promotion without notice. All matters or disputes in relation to the promotion and the interpretation of terms and conditions shall be subject to the decision of OneDegree, which shall be final and binding.
- In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.