Fire Insurance - Best Price In Town

Best Price In Town^

Some insurers may charge up to 0.15% of the sum insured annually for fire coverage. With OneDegree, you’ll pay just 0.034% for a policy for the first year, and save up to HK$150,000* for a 30-year mortgage!

180-day extension period

Choose your own policy start date with our special 180-day extension period.

No restrictions on residential property types or building age

No restriction on building age, providing comprehensive coverage for residential properties in Hong Kong.

Flexible policy cancellation

You can cancel the policy any time to meet your needs.

Fire Insurance - Best Price In Town

OneDegree HKOneDegree HK
OneDegree HK

Best Price In Town. Just 0.034% for the first year of your sum insured.

Enter the sum insured to get a quote

Currently, we only provide coverage for residential properties
Sum Insured
Promo Code
OneDegree HK
Calculating your sum insured
> learn more
OneDegree HKOneDegree HK
OneDegree HKOneDegree HK

Comprehensive fire insurance coverage

4 major coverage items
OneDegree HKFire
OneDegree HKFlooding
OneDegree HKLightning
OneDegree HKBoiler or gas explosion
Maximum coverage amount for the year
HKD 50 million
Lowest premium rate in Hong Kong^
Flexible sum insured
HKD500,000 - HKD50,000,000
Policy effective period
Any day within 10-180 days after insuring
Coverage for residential building age and type
No restrictions
Applicable to mortgage banks
Accepting 12 mortgage banks:
  • The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC)
  • Hang Seng Bank Limited
  • Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
  • Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
  • The Bank of East Asia, Limited
  • China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited
  • Show More
Non-covered items
Damage caused by earthquakes, wildfires, riots, or demonstrationsPlease click here to learn more about specific non-covered item
OneDegree HKOneDegree HKOneDegree HKOneDegree HK
OneDegree HKOneDegree HK
OneDegree HKOneDegree HK

Who needs OneDegree fire insurance?

Whether you are a new/old property owner, with/without a property mortgage,
OneDegree fire insurance can provide you with comprehensive and flexible coverage!
New property owners
Old property owners
With property mortgage
Without property mortgage
OneDegree HK

Building age:

1 year

Property type:


Original mortgage amount:

HKD 5 million​

Sum Insured

OneDegree HK

Building age:

60 years

Property type:

Village house

Property rebuilding cost:

HKD 2 million​

Sum Insured

Mortgage banks require to purchase
Provides additional protection for building structures
OneDegree HK

Lowest price for fire insurance in Hong Kong

OneDegree charges only 0.034% for the first year premium
Annual premium starting at HKD400, the lowest price in Hong Kong.
OneDegree HKOneDegree
G Insurance Company
C Insurance Company
Sum insured

HKD 3 million​

HKD 3 million​
HKD 3 million​




Premium rate
  • Fire
  • Flooding
  • Lightning
  • Boiler or gas explosion
  • Fire
  • Flooding
  • Lightning
  • Boiler or gas explosion
  • Fire
  • Flooding
  • Lightning
  • Boiler or gas explosion
Building age restrictions
No restrictions

50 years or below

50 years or below

OneDegree HK

How to insure

OneDegree HK
Standard Enrollment
Fire Insurance Switch

Verify essential details with your mortgage bank

Before enrolling, ensure accuracy in details such as the sum insured, insured property address, policy effective date, and designated policyholder with your mortgage bank.


Enroll online with OneDegree

We will submit the new policy to your mortgage bank for approval within 7 working days. Upon approval, your enrollment will be complete.^


Verify essential details with your mortgage bank

Before enrolling, ensure accuracy in details such as the sum insured, insured property address, policy effective date, and designated policyholder with your mortgage bank.


Enroll online with OneDegree

We will submit the new policy to your mortgage bank for approval within 7 working days. Upon approval, your enrollment will be complete.^

How to make a claimOneDegree HK


Paperless Claim Process

File your claim online with a completely paperless process. Please download the claim forms from the below links, and email the form, along with the required documents stated on the form, to us at

Fire Insurance Claim: Download


Instant Claim Status Notification

Timely email updates on claim status allow you to know exactly where you are at throughout the process


Guaranteed 5-day Response Time

We guarantee to follow up on a claim application within 5 working days upon receipt of application documents!

Paperless Claim Process

File your claim online with a completely paperless process. Please download the claim forms from the below links, and email the form, along with the required documents stated on the form, to us at

Fire Insurance Claim: Download

Instant Claim Status Notification

Timely email updates on claim status allow you to know exactly where you are at throughout the process

Guaranteed 5-day Response Time

We guarantee to follow up on a claim application within 5 working days upon receipt of application documents!

OneDegree HK


Is Building Insurance same as “Fire Insurance”?
Yes, Buildings Insurance is also commonly known as Fire Insurance. It covers a property's structure if there is damage caused by events including fire, typhoons/windstorms, and explosions. Many homebuyers looking to take out a mortgage need to buy fire insurance, as it is required by banks before they will approve a home loan.
Do I need to notify my mortgage bank after purchasing a OneDegree Fire Insurance policy?
If you wish to transfer your existing fire insurance policy (issued by another insurance company) to  OneDegree for your fire insurance protection: 
For the application of a new fire insurance policy with OneDegree, we will notify your mortgage bank and submit the new policy documents. 
Please note that we are unable to represent you in making inquiries or cancellations of your existing fire insurance policy with the mortgage bank or other insurance company. If you wish to cancel the renewal of your existing fire insurance policy or apply for a premium refund, you will need to follow up with the relevant parties directly. 
Regarding our current list of banks/companies that accept mortgage customers for OneDegree fire insurance, please refer to the information below: 

Do all banks in Hong Kong accept OneDegree Fire Insurance? 

How much does a fire insurance policy cost?
Annual policy premiums range from 00.034% to 0.15% of your Sum insured, depending on your insurer’s terms. For example, for a policy with HK$ 4,500,000 Sum insured, you may pay between HK$ 1,530 (HK$ 4,500,000 x 0.034%) and HK$ 6,750 (HK$ 4,500,000 x 0.15%) each year.


OneDegree offers 0.034% premium rate for the first year, which is the lowest in town. Get a quote for your property here.
Are premiums higher for certain property types?
OneDegree Fire Insurance premiums are fixed at 0.034% for the first year of the Sum Insured. The rate is applicable to residential properties of all types and all ages. Get a quote for your property here.

When purchasing fire insurance from a bank, the premium rate may depend on your property's type and valuation. For example, village houses and older buildings will tend to cost more to insure than private housing estates and newer buildings. The rates offered by banks generally range from 0.034% to 0.15%.
How do I determine the Sum Insured for my Fire insurance policy?
You can choose one of the following to be your policy's Sum Insured:
1) Your original mortgage loan value;
2) the cost of your property reinstatement;
3) your current mortgage loan value.

If you choose your Sum Insured to be the cost of rebuilding your property, a property valuation must be conducted annually and the Sum Insured may change year to year depending on the valuation.
Many homeowners choose a Sum Insured equal to their current mortgage loan value. However, a mortgage loan's value drops over time, which means the Sum Insured will also decrease. If you have any doubt, you may check with your mortgage bank for the exact Sum Insured required.


*Assumed a comparison between current highest market premium rate of 0.15%, and OneDegree discounted premium rate of 0.034% for the first year and original premium rate from second year onwards, for a 30-year mortgage and sum insured of HKD 4.5million, rounded to the nearest 10,000. This example is for reference only. 
#Compared to fire insurance of major insurance companies in Hong Kong in May 2024. 
^Calculated based on an insured amount of 3 million and a property age of 40 years. 

Terms and Conditions

For details of coverage, terms, conditions, and exclusions of Fire Insurance, please refer to the policy wordings.