The personal information of customers (including policyholders, insured persons, beneficiaries, premium payors, and claimants) collected or held by OneDegree Hong Kong Limited (“ODHK”, “we”, “our”, “us”) from time to time, which also includes data collected or generated in the ordinary course of ODHK’s business and the continuation of relationship with the customer (such as claim information and medical history received from third parties), may be used by the ODHK for the following purposes necessary (“necessary purposes”) in providing services to the customers :
- processing and evaluating any applications or requests made by you for products/services offered by us;
- administering and providing services in relation to the ODHK policies you hold;
- processing requests for payment, and for direct debit authorization;
- processing, investigating and adjudicating claims in relation to the ODHK policies you hold;
- conducting customer surveys;
- market researching, designing and/or enhancing ODHK’s products and services;
- promoting ODHK’s products or services via direct marketing (please refer to Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing);
- complying with the laws and regulations in applicable jurisdictions, or obligations under an agreement or commitment between ODHK or its associated companies and the regulator or government in applicable jurisdictions to which ODHK is subject to;
- collecting debts;
- facilitating ODHK’s authorized service providers to provide services to ODHK and/or the customers for the above purposes;
- fulfilling other purposes which are directly related to any of the above purposes.
Personal data is collected from you on a voluntary basis. Personal data may include name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address etc. Refusal to supply personal data may result in us being unable to process the request. Personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent unless such use is permitted or required by law.
We may share any personal data with the following parties for the necessary purposes:
- any agent, contractor or third party, or ODHK’s associated companies who provides administrative, telecommunications, technology, computer, payment, policy administration, storage, cloud, record management, call centre, mailing and printing, customer satisfaction analysis marketing, outsourcing or other services to ODHK in connection with the operation of its business;
- third party service providers including insurers, reinsurers, reinsurance brokers, bankers, legal advisors, accountants, financial institutions, investigators, loss adjusters, medical and rehabilitation consultants, hospitals, veterinarian clinic and pet hospital, surveyors, repairers, emergency service providers, research and analysis companies and data processors;
- credit reference agencies, and, in the event of default, any debt collection agencies or companies carrying on claim or investigation services;
- any person to whom ODHK is under an obligation or otherwise required to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on ODHK or any of its associated companies and for the purposes of any regulations, codes or guidelines issued by local or foreign governmental, regulatory, tax or law enforcement authority, industry recognized bodies or other authorities with which ODHK or any of its associated companies are expected to comply;
- any person to whom ODHK is under an obligation or otherwise required to make disclosure pursuant to any contractual or other commitment or arrangement with local or foreign governmental, regulatory, tax or law enforcement authority, industry recognized bodies or other authorities that is assumed by or imposed on ODHK or any of its associated companies;
- any person pursuant to any order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
- organizations that consolidate claims and underwriting information for the insurance industry, fraud prevention organizations, employers, the police and databases or registers (and their operators)
There are a number of ways we can collect personal data, including:
- online registration, quotation, insurance application or claims filing
- form you filled in for filing an inquiry, complaint, feedback or participation of online or offline promotional campaigns
- any online survey or poll you complete on our website
- cookies or similar technology
- your email, live chat, call record or communication via any other system with us
We will keep any personal data as long as it is necessary to fulfil necessary purposes and to comply with various legal requirements. In general, we will keep your personal data for a maximum of 7 years counting from the date of termination of our business relationship.
We would like to keep customers informed of products and services that ourselves or our business partners may offer in the future. We may inform customers by email, platform notification or other electronic channels.
Before using your personal data for direct marketing, we must obtain your consent. If you object to ODHK’s use of your personal date for direct marketing purposes, please indicate your preference by deselecting the opt-in box. If you wish to change your preference in the future in respect of ODHK’s use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, please contact ODHK’s Data Protection Liaison Officer with the contact information shown below.
If you wish to request access to or deletion/correction of your personal data held by us, opt-out of our use or transfer of your personal data for direct marketing purposes to which you have consented before, and/or make any enquiries about our privacy policy and practices, you may do so by sending an email to our Data Protection Liaison Officer:
With purposes or questions clearly stated in the message, the Data Protection Liaison Officer will reply you as soon as practicable.
We reserve the right to change or update this PICS at any time without prior notice. The changes or updates will be notified to customers on ODHK’s website or in writing (which may include electronic format) and any such change or update will be effective immediately upon posting. The continuation of insurance or other business relationship with ODHK signifies a customer’s agreement to the changes and updates in relation to the uses of such customer’s personal information for the necessary purposes, otherwise we are unable to continue the insurance or other business relationship with the customer.
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions of this notice, the English version shall prevail.