Vet Clinic Receipt for Claim Filing

To file a claim, please obtain a receipt from the vet clinic.

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Vet Clinic Receipt Sample

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The receipt must include:

1 Microchip number (if any)

2 Your pet's name

3 Charge breakdown

An itemized breakdown of services and charges (consultation fee, medication, lab test, surgery, etc)

4 The diagnosis

Vet to provide diagnosis or cause of symptoms

5 First symptom date

Provide onset date of each diagnosis. If the condition is a recurrent episode of a chronic illness or related to a previous diagnosis, please provide the date of the first episode.

6 Vet signature and stamp

Both stamp and signature are required for any handwritten information

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Save it to your phone and show to the vet or clinic staff

For Cancer Cash benefit, a biopsy report is required.

Please read the requirements on receipts format below

These are common examples that causing delay in claim processing. Please check again with your vet when getting receipts.

1. Some diagnoses require more details (e.g. Dermatitis)

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Clear diagnosis is provided

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The specific type of dermatitis is not provided

2. Provide first symptom date for EACH diagnosis

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Every diagnosis has the corresponding first symptom date

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First symptom date of EACH diagnosis is not provided

3. Require itemized breakdown of medications and lab test

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Clear items and the corresponding charges

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Itemized breakdown without charge breakdown

4. Clear symptom date information

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Date with clear indication

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It is not clear what the date represents.

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Ready to file a claim?

1. Log in to your account

2. Select your pet's policy

3. Click "File a Claim"