Health Hub
  • If you are among those who wish to release pent-up stress and are not sure whether yoga is for you, why not give the below easy yoga flow, which aims to help release stress, a try and find out for yourself?
  • No matter if you’re an active, outdoorsy type who likes to get your blood pumping together or more of an indoor kid who prefers to keep it cozy and chill with your sweetie we have various budget-friendly options for you, proving that a great date doesn’t have to break the bank. 
  • Does brushing your teeth daily mean that your teeth are sparkling clean? There are actually many hard-to-reach spots in the mouth which renders the toothbrush useless! Some people are accustomed to using dental floss for places in between teeth, while some prefer using mouthwash; but which method can prevent periodontal disease? If you don’t want to lose all your teeth in your old age, pay attention on how to maintain oral hygiene!
  • With one of the most well-loved festivals right around the corner, are you ready for the onslaught of amazing and mouthwatering festive food coming your way? Here are some tips for you to enjoy the festival and the upcoming feasts in a healthy way!
  • Here are a few simple workouts for you to try at your desk to help yourself stay active whether you have to head back to the office or work from home!
  • Oral cancer is considered the deadliest since its symptoms are not apparent in the early stages, and most people will dismiss them as common dental problems. Professor Peter James Thompson, Clinical Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Dentistry said the number of oral cancer patients in Hong Kong is on a rise, from 394 confirmed cases in 1996 to nearly 700 in 2016, showing an increase of up to 70%, denoting the increasing prevalence of oral cancer.
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